

13 Personal Questions

So as the title of this post suggests I though I would do a more ‘personal’ post! This tag has been kicking around the blogsphere for years, I first saw it on Zoella’s blog circa 2009. I tag Queen G ( Here we go!(Mario)

1. What do you order at Starbucks?

Americano no milk and then liberally add sweet and low (about a bucket’s worth). 

HOWEVER the best  drink I ever had at Starbs  was the Caramel Waffle Cone Frappuccino. Upon taking my first sip I realized what Lizzie McGuire was talking about, This is what dreams are made of

Coffee, me and a friend 

2. What's one thing in your closet you can't live without?

My white Keds. 

3. What's one thing that most people don't know about you?

Maybe that I really like to draw, especially cartoons. I  am literally terrible at it but for some reason I find it really therapeutic. 

A misconception about me is that I’m not a very outdoorsy person. But I love walking, hiking and have never met a tree I haven't tried to  climb. 
Up a tree, as per 

4. What's one thing you want to do before you die?
  • I am desperate to visit Santorini
  • I want to adopt a dog and raise it myself 
  • Finally I want to ride on the back of a motorbike

(Oops that's  three not one). 

5. What's one food you can't live without?

I mean there is probably no one food I couldn't live without. But in terms of a food group, probably carbs. Big fan of bread based products.
My favorite food group in the form of cake 

6. What phrase or quote do you live by?

Regret is pointless. Unless you did something really morally wrong, the decisions you made in the past were made for a good reason. 

Whether that reason makes sense now or not isn’t really relevant, it did at the time. Without access to a time machine no one has the benefit of hindsight. 

7. What's your number 1 song on your iPod/iTunes?  

Good things by Oscar. That song has such nostalgic indie vibes, I think because Oscar sounds exactly like Morrissey from The Smiths. 

8. What kind of style would you describe yourself as having?

Comfortable, oversized, casual. Very beach meets Scottish weather and Beth is very cold a lot of the time. 

9. Favorite Number?


10. Two Hobbies?

Blogging and running. Bonus: Intensive Netflix binging

11. Two pet peeves?

Most of my pet peeves are things I do myself which is infuriating as it makes me a blatant hypocrite.

  • I hate getting interrupted or when someone seems bored by the conversation we’re having. 

  • Toilet humor. It makes me uncomfortable and weirdly angry.  And it's not like a squeamish person, I worked for a year at a care home!

12. What would you most like to change about yourself?

Personality wise, maybe how anxious and worried I get about minor things. Looks wise, I wish I was naturally tan. 

13. Guilty pleasure? 

Humiliating but true: listening to Aqua. Yes the band that gave us Barbie Girl. I could listen to their album Aquarium on repeat for days. 

Dancing, probably to Aqua


What Not to do in London

If you follow this guide Harry. 

Agh London, home of the red phone box, Sherlock Holmes (whose hottest interpretation was played by either Robery Downey jr. or Benedict Cumberbatch I have yet to make a definitive choice) and a questionably clean river.

Why London you ask? Well my friends it’s cheapest exotic location you can reach by Megabus. 

My traveling companions were none other then Dan and Han. Equally bourgey* and equally savage in their judgement of anyone is not part of our family. 

This post follows tradition of my previous travel guides in advising the general public what not to do when visiting this great and hella crowded city. 

Do not stay in a hostel in a dorm room of 24 other people. 

For the love of God buy the private room. Saving 5 pounds is not worth your sanity. Being kept awake till 3am by steam-train-snoring Sam and cruch-a-lot-of-crisps Cathy will drive you to sympathize with convicted murderers. 

Do not visit the restaurant Polpo

Listed in the book 1000 places to eat before you die, I can confirm I would rather die then eat at Polpo again. The pork belly was more fat than pig, and undercooked peas should not appear in any dish but especially not a salad. 

Also paper napkins on lamps are a fire hazard not quirky hipster decor. 

Do not visit every Topshop and Urban Outfitters in every London borough. 

They are all exactly the same. And after the 5th one I should have accepted that.

Did not see any of these famous faces.
Do not Expect to see any British Youtubers.

In hindsight I realize why would in a city with a populace 8.674 million would I expect to see any kind of celebrity at tourist attractions?  Zalfie would cause an actual riot in central London. Yet for some reason during every tube ride I would surreptitiously scan every face hoping for that TMZ worthy selfie. 

Do not Take the ‘free’ photo at any tourist attraction.

The only free part of these photos is the disappointment you feel after seeing the abysmal quality. You also 100% have to pay to get a copy.

Do not hesitate to push strangers to get the prime seats on the Megabus.

You can bet everyone else will be overly aggressive and it’s for a good reason. With no assigned seats a calm demeanor when boarding will result in tragedy for 9 hours. Namely your seat mate being a creepy man with a pungently  smelling  fish sandwich.

Do not watch the street performers
  1. Inevitably hyping the crowd will consist of 90% go the performance. 
  2. The skill in question is typically fake or very VERY mediocre
  3. They will force you to buy their mixtape and get very angry when you politely decline.

Do not take the Olympic park walking tour.

Some would question the legitimacy of a random woman leading a tour that does not take you any where near the stadium but focuses on the pollution levels and wildlife of a nearby stream. 

Sadly we left our skepticism at home and spent 2 hours on a tour of the London wetlands. 

Try to save money on food.

This is unless you want hungry vibes, followed by storming off back to Edinburgh vibes, followed by a long tense wait at Nandos that is anything but cheeky. 

For Food you should try:

Freak shakes at Molly Bakes (milkshakes topped with baked goods including cookies, brownies, cake and marshmallows).

Anything at the Borough Market although particularly Raclette at Kappacasein

Happy travels my friends x

*bourgey: The qualities of being bourgeois, things that the bourgeois like, things that make the bourgeois the bourgeois. 

e.g. That gated community is so bourgey, they have people to do their lawns. (courtsey of

July Favorites

Another month and more stuff that I’m loving. 
Personal Highlights of this month include:

  • Graduation ball with my squad 
  • Upgrading to a new flat (flat tour to follow)
  • Finishing my last exam


I’ve always been a strictly spirit and mixer kind of girl. Even breaking way from vodka and lemonade rut and switching to margaritas (pretty much tequila and lemonade) I never ventured into new alcohol pastures.  

This all changed after grad ball.  After going an entire day without any fluids upon entering The Balmoral and being presented with a glass of prosecco, I didn't hesitate chugging that baby down. And surprisingly it wasn't terrible.  This month has allowed me to explore the wonderful world that is white wine aka. Rose, prosseco and champagne. What can I say? I am now a classy lady. If a very inebriated one. 


I recently re-read Fallen Skies by Philippa Gregory. Set post- WW1 it details the life of Stephen Winters an upperclass gentlemen suffering from shell shock. He meets Lily a showgirl and against the wishes of his family marries her believing she can ‘cure’ him. 

Although the characters are pretty unlikeable to begin with, this story swiftly improves as the plot reaches its crescendo. Additionally there are two major twists that I for one did not expect. 


Craig also made this appearance in Skins!

So I’ve recently gone on a Craig Roberts binge, mainly because: He starred in Submarine, possibly the most indie film ever, and I'm living the Tumblr life these days. The films in themselves weren’t amazing but Craig Roberts was a definite stand out. One to watch. 

The films ranked from best to worst were as follows:

1. Comes a Bright Day (co-starring a certain ginger grey’s anatomy doctor)
2. The Fundamentals of Caring (co-starring Selena Gomez who I would rate as  6/10 bland in this film)
3. Neighbors (co-starring Zac Efron’s body)


So I never was much of a rap or hip-hop fan barring Eminem, because let’s be honest who wasn’t on the Lose Yourself bandwagon (Mom’s spaghetti). My playlist recommendations are now full of these new genres  again in keeping with my more Tumblr aethestic. 

Drake: Too Good, One Dance, Controlla, Jumpman, For Free
Childish Gambio: Bonfire, 3005 (throwback), Sweatpants IV. Sweatpants
Shakka: Say Nada
Felix Snow feat. Ro Ransam: Lamb 


That’s all for now, because all the fun really starts in August! 


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