So as the title of this post suggests I though I would do a more ‘personal’ post! This tag has been kicking around the blogsphere for years, I first saw it on Zoella’s blog circa 2009. I tag Queen G ( Here we go!(Mario)
1. What do you order at Starbucks?
Americano no milk and then liberally add sweet and low (about a bucket’s worth).
HOWEVER the best drink I ever had at Starbs was the Caramel Waffle Cone Frappuccino. Upon taking my first sip I realized what Lizzie McGuire was talking about, This is what dreams are made of.
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Coffee, me and a friend |
2. What's one thing in your closet you can't live without?
My white Keds.
3. What's one thing that most people don't know about you?
Maybe that I really like to draw, especially cartoons. I am literally terrible at it but for some reason I find it really therapeutic.
A misconception about me is that I’m not a very outdoorsy person. But I love walking, hiking and have never met a tree I haven't tried to climb.
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Up a tree, as per |
4. What's one thing you want to do before you die?
- I am desperate to visit Santorini
- I want to adopt a dog and raise it myself
- Finally I want to ride on the back of a motorbike
(Oops that's three not one).
5. What's one food you can't live without?
I mean there is probably no one food I couldn't live without. But in terms of a food group, probably carbs. Big fan of bread based products.
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My favorite food group in the form of cake |
6. What phrase or quote do you live by?
Regret is pointless. Unless you did something really morally wrong, the decisions you made in the past were made for a good reason.
Whether that reason makes sense now or not isn’t really relevant, it did at the time. Without access to a time machine no one has the benefit of hindsight.
7. What's your number 1 song on your iPod/iTunes?
Good things by Oscar. That song has such nostalgic indie vibes, I think because Oscar sounds exactly like Morrissey from The Smiths.
8. What kind of style would you describe yourself as having?
Comfortable, oversized, casual. Very beach meets Scottish weather and Beth is very cold a lot of the time.
9. Favorite Number?
10. Two Hobbies?
Blogging and running. Bonus: Intensive Netflix binging
11. Two pet peeves?
Most of my pet peeves are things I do myself which is infuriating as it makes me a blatant hypocrite.
- I hate getting interrupted or when someone seems bored by the conversation we’re having.
- Toilet humor. It makes me uncomfortable and weirdly angry. And it's not like a squeamish person, I worked for a year at a care home!
12. What would you most like to change about yourself?
Personality wise, maybe how anxious and worried I get about minor things. Looks wise, I wish I was naturally tan.
13. Guilty pleasure?
Humiliating but true: listening to Aqua. Yes the band that gave us Barbie Girl. I could listen to their album Aquarium on repeat for days.
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Dancing, probably to Aqua |