

April Favorites

Another Month and more stuff. 

Love ya too Frank

House of Cards

I admit it, originally I thought this show looked abysmal. Principally because my parents recommended it and the last show we watched together was the Waltons. All 9 seasons. I wanted to throttle John Boy by the end (followed closely by Mary Ellen). 

This show is a political drama minus the day to day bureaucratic stuff. It’s a combination of Suits and Scandal starring a solid 97% evil protagonist. The show follows congressman Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey), his wife Claire (Robin Wright) and their rise to power. And let me tell you it really is DRAMA. Additionally you may or may not end up falling for Frank. Despite the fact he’s basically Hitler. Despite the fact he is almost 60. And despite the fact his Southern accent is fake af. It’s his power *shiver*. 

Ellie bringing back light up Nikes 
Literally anything from Ellie Goulding’s album Delirium. She’s just so hot right now. 

Career of Evil- Robert Galbrath (Jk jk it’s Rowling hahaha)

The third novel  in the the detective Coramon Strike series. Hands-Down the best one so far. I didn’t want to bash ‘Robert’s’ first novel but let’s just say it’s like comparing a Harry Potter prologue to Chapter 34 of the Half blood Prince. The prologue is essential to the story but in no way compares to the battle between the most evil wizard of all time and Harry Potter. 

Private investigator Strike and Robin’s relationship FINALLY starts to move along, and by far the creepiest killer so far narrates every few chapters. 

Ben and Jerry’s Cookie Dough S'Wich Up

I’ll reiterate the description on the above packaging vanilla Ice cream, a chocolate cookie swirl, chocolate cookie sandwiches (basically oreos) and cookie dough chunks. If I could drown in one substance it would be this ice cream. 


That’s about it for April. Few changes this month  as my life as been an endless succession of essays. I’m guessing no one wants to hear about the best brand of pen to throw as you slowly rot to death in your uni’s study rooms. Nope? Didn't think so. Nanananananaana. 

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