

Songs You Need in your Life Right Now

I think the last time I updated my i-pod was summer 2013. Safe to say the 112 songs I own (some of which have been downloaded since 2008) have become a little stale. One thing you should know about me as I am weirdly selective about the songs I download. It’s very rare I’l delete a song and the ones that make the cut will remain on my iPod for the remaining time my iTunes account allows me to keep them (does anyone else have issue where songs just disappear?). 

Anyway I bit the bullet and downloaded some new songs, some brand spanking new (how did it take me so long to jump on the Swiftie band wagon #regrets) and some oldies but goodies. Here we go:


1989 Taylor Swift 
Personal faves: 
-BLANK SPACE (I have literally listened to this 500+ times #noshade) 
-Out of the Woods

X Ed Sheeran
Personal faves:
-Don’t (reportedly about Ellie Goulding (scandalous)
-Thinking out Loud


Reflections -MiserWives

Paris- Magic Man

Heartstrings- Leighton Meester 
(seriously give her a chance, this song was not at all what I was expecting)

Give me Your Love- Florrie 

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