

50 Shades

Considering 50 shades was a film targeted directly at my gender and age, I though it would be fun to give my take on this highly anticipated film. This viewpoint comes from someone who cannot claim extensive film critic credentials or even any knowledge of S&M practices (barring that one Rihanna song) and for the record has only reluctantly heard snippets of the novel from her flatmate in a southern belle accent.  

My expectations were dismally low. Friend’s Facebook profiles reported that the film lacked any actual content apart from the leads getting down and dirty. The comments on YouTube (those not telling me to repent for watching) criticized the lack of chemistry and Anastasia’s Kristen Stewart-esque demeanour.

However cliché as it is almost certainly I have to admit, I enjoyed the film. I enjoyed it so much I saw it a second time a week later (very hung-over but still).  The plus points for me included the highly effective and catchy soundtrack, lines so ridiculous but earnestly delivered it was very very funny, Jamie Dornan occasionally slipping into an irishy accent, and perhaps most surprisingly Anastasia’s growth as a character. I won’t lie, the initial scene where the characters meet is so poorly (directed/acted/shot?) it’s painful to watch.  But by taking the film lightly and not as a cinematic masterpiece (which I don’t think was ever the director's intention) it was entertaining. As a whole it’s true nothing really happens, the characters get down a lot, they take helicopter ride, they fly a jet plane thing, they travel to Seattle and they break up. But I liked it. 

As much as I can criticise or laugh at absurdity of the concept, I can’t claim I didn’t get swept up by the story and the characters. By end I cared that Anastasia’s feelings were hurt, I wanted Christian to reveal his torturous past and perhaps most tellingly I wanted to see the sequel.  

 Sorry Queen G I’m still skipping the books though.

1 comment:

  1. This is my favourite film (after the roommate of course). I especially liked the natural dialogue and the 5* acting!


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